UAS / UAV Jobs Recruiting

UAV/UAS Job Recruiting Company

The UAV (Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles) UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) industry offers a multitude of working and career opportunities around the world. The team at GeoSearch helps companies locate the best qualified candidates for UAV / UAS jobs. Due to our industry knowledge, job board and process of working with companies, we can assist employers to minimize the cost of locating the right candidates. GeoSearch Inc. is the trusted UAV / UAS recruiting company in the United States for working with companies and job seekers. Our experience produced the start and expansion to thousands of successful careers.

We are a UAV / UAS job recruiter for Employers and Job Seekers.


Finding quality specialists for Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles and Systems isn’t a simple process. It requires an in-depth understanding of the industry, and access to qualified professionals with years of experience in the marketplace. Our team at GeoSearch is a UAV / UAS recruitment leader. We have helped thousands of companies find qualified candidates for their open positions and responded to a range of complex hiring scenarios.  We offer Ad Postings, Full Service Search and Temporary Staffing. You can also call us or fill out our Contact Form.

Job Seekers:

We work with individuals searching for a career or a new job in a wide variety of jobs in the Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles and Systems industry including UAV pilots/operators, aviation mission planners, records specialists and software engineers.  We are hired by employers to fill their current openings.
The first step is to Search Jobs or Register as a Job Seeker.  You can also email us a resume so we can contact you when a position looks like a potential fit.

Sensor Installation And Maintenance

UAV / UAS Unmanned Aerial Surveying

UAV/UAS Engineer

UAV Software Engineers

Book a Consultation with GeoSearch Inc. for UAV/UAS Recruitment

GeoSearch Inc. is recognized market-wide for our ability to recruit the most qualified, experienced candidates for job positions in the Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles & Services market. A primary reason that so many employers turn to our team for UAV/UAS recruiting services is that we can provide guidance on recruitment strategies while also offering access to the best candidates. Our experience also means we can reduce the amount of time it takes to introduce new employees to your company team.

Markets That Employ For UAV/UAS Careers

UAV / UAS Job Opportunities

UAV Pilots-Operators

The UAV/UAS drone pilots are the ones that operate, maneuver and pilot the drones. The drone pilot is responsible for the safe take off and landing of the drone. The pilots are also responsible for safe operation keeping the drones on course to eliminate in air collisions.

UAV/UAS Software Engineers

UAV software engineers help build ground control software and on-board communication systems for various drone platforms.

UAV/UAS Records Specialists​

UAV records specialists are responsible for researching, analyzing developing and documenting for all aspects of the UAV/UAS drone operation and training.

UAV/UAS Maintenance & Repair Technician

UAV maintenance & repair technicians are in demand for the maintenance and repair on a drone including structure, power supplies, computer systems, sensors, photo systems, r/c systems, actuators and software. Job seekers with these skills are definitely in need by many employers.