Job Seeker Faux Pas

As a recruiting company that has been in the workforce just shy of 30 years, we have seen everything there is to see when it comes to candidates not getting the job. Even though you may feel qualified and well prepared for job interviews, you may be experiencing faux pas that are avoidable. Read on to determine if you fall into any of these traps.
Your dream job becomes available but you have little to no experience in the field.
Most commonly seen among entry-level candidates and those looking to insert themselves in new careers.
Although you are confident in your ability to learn quickly, the hiring manager probably won’t feel the same when they review your resume. In order to convince them that you are the best fit for the position, you must be able to translate how your past experience relates to the new role. You will need to specify this in your resume which means editing each and every application to show the reader that you are exactly what they are looking for. Take the time to revise your resume. It may seem tedious, but it is beneficial and will pay off.
You’ve gone overboard with posting on social media.
Please, no trash talking to your previous boss.
Did you know that 93% of hiring managers admit to some sort of internet digging on social media? They are not only looking at your LinkedIn, which is probably spotless of any indecency. Instead, they’re looking at Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If you are being vetted for a position within a company, expect that someone is looking into the demeanor of your online presence. Remove anything that might portray you in a negative fashion. Meanwhile, find industry blogs and forums and begin to contribute comments to add to your professional interests.
You look good on paper but are you relatable to the hiring manager?
This might take some self-reflection and inner digging to add depth to your brand.
While getting to know the hiring manager, it’s not enough to just tell a story of who you are and how you got there. The key is to make yourself relatable. Find a way to make yourself more engaging, charismatic, and approachable. If you are naturally reserved and shy, this may take time and practice. Schedule mock interviews with friends and family members to allow yourself to feel more comfortable when the real interview comes.
You’ve shared too much information.
Only disclose information that will positively add to your interview.
In most interviewing cases, less is more. You do not need to share every detail of your life. As an example, Raquel Garcia, president of Silicon Valley Human Resources “once had a candidate tell me her last boss was a drug addict and did cocaine regularly. Talk about inappropriate disclosure. I am sure there was a much more tactful way to talk about why she left the job.” Be mindful that you are interviewing for a job, not chatting with your bestie. Keep your answers concise and to the point.
Your presentation is poor and you have come unprepared.
Be your best! Being prepared makes for a more confident candidate.
It may seem obvious, but make sure you have showered before the interview and are dressed appropriately. Choose attire that is modest and professional. This means no low-cut tops or flip-flops. Just as important, be prepared to answer any and all questions. It’s always better to over-prepare than to have the deer in the headlights look. There are many websites available that can equip you for your interview by providing common interview questions. Take some extra time to review these so you can be self-assured during your time with the hiring manager.
With some discipline and forethought, you can avoid this common faux pas. The crucial component is to anticipate your interview by finding your flaws and correcting them before you meet with the hiring manager. Instead of hurting your job search, you can make yourself stand out among the crowd!